Powers of Attorney for College Students

Healthcare and financial powers of attorney are crucial documents for our clients who are 55 or over. They enable a trusted family member or friend to make important decisions for health or financial issues when the signor is no longer able or willing to do so. However, this common-place document for older adults is often wrongly overlooked when it comes to college students and twenty-something's. 

Depending on the age of majority for the state you live in (19 in Nebraska), young adults should have healthcare and financial powers of attorney in place in case of an emergency. Twenty-something's are known for traveling, studying abroad, and flocking to hot spots for spring break. Distance between parents and an adult child in an emergency makes powers of attorney even more necessary.

For example, a college junior takes a summer internship away from home on the coast to pursue their dream of becoming a marine biologist. However, they contract an infection while working and are hospitalized for several weeks on the coast. Without proper powers of attorney the parents will not be able to make medical decisions, access the child's checking account to pay their rent, nor will the hospital give details to them on their child's condition.

Simply because you are the parent of a 21 year old does not lend you the rights you once had when they were a minor. In an emergency situation the last thing you want to deal with is road blocks or emergency court proceedings. Healthcare and financial powers of attorney are relatively simple documents that only come into power when they are needed. Hopefully you will never need these documents. However, planning ahead by creating them will give you great peace of mind. 

Contact Elder Law of Omaha today at (402) 614-6400 to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation to discuss your legal needs.

This article should not be construed as legal advice. Situations are different and it’s impossible to provide legal advice for every situation without knowing the individual facts.
