Outlook for Nebraska Elderly
As the baby-boomers in Nebraska continue to age, the need for elder care and services continues to grow. It is crucial to understand what percentage of the population of Nebraska the seniors represent and the implications which follow. The Census defines seniors or elderly as people 65 years old or older. The 2012 Census revealed that 13.9% of Nebraska’s population is 65 or older, slightly higher than the national average of 13.7%. According to the 2010 Census there were 105,683 senior Nebraskan citizens. Western Nebraska accounted for 20,683 seniors while Eastern Nebraska totaled 85,000 seniors.
The 105,683 seniors of Nebraska reside in several different settings including their home, a family member’s home, assisted living facilities, and long term care facilities. There are no exact numbers on how many seniors in Nebraska reside in each setting. However, according to the Department of Health and Human Services there are 286 licensed assisted living facilities with 11,628 licensed beds. Additionally, there are 227 licensed long term care facilities in Nebraska with 16,622 licensed beds. Therefore, when all of the assisted living and long term facility beds are full 27% of Nebraska’s elderly are in facility care
The senior population in the United States is expected to climb substantially in the next 20 years. According to the 2011 Census 13.3% of the nation’s population was 65 years old or older. The Census projected that by 2040 the 65+ age group will grow to 21% of our nation’s population. Additionally, the 85 years old or older age group will triple from 5.7 million in 2011 to 14.1 million in 2040. These projected increases will most likely manifest in the Cornhusker state as well.
This article should not be construed as legal advice. Situations are different and it’s impossible to provide legal advice for every situation without knowing the individual facts.
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